To action an Approval request, users do not have to log into their intelligentcontract account in order to do so, a pre-portal page can be activated to provide the user will relevant information to allow them to make an informed decision as to Approve or Reject.
This pre-portal page will be displayed when the configuration option 'Approval Portal Enabled' is set to 'Yes'
Administrators can control which fields are visible to users on this pre-portal page using the Approval Template form. The fields that are selected here will be presented to the user on the pre-portal along with a [Review], [Reject] and [Approve] buttons.
1. Chose Fields - Choose the fields that you would like displayed on the pre-portal screen
The available fields section will list all fields available for selection on the portal. The list will contain all the Approval related fields.
It will also include any related fields such as Contract, Contract Document or Party details.
Fig 1 - Approval Template field selection
- Use drag and drop to select the fields required on the right hand panel.
- Use drag and drop to adjust the order in which the fields are displayed on the portal form (top to bottom)
- Use the search in the Available Fields section to see more available fields for selection
- Use the magnifying glass to search and filter for specific fields names
- Once you have made your selection click [Next] to continue
2. Change Field labels - The title labels of the columns are defaulted to the field labels, this next step allows you to adjust the label names if required, make the required adjustments and click [Save]
Fig 2 - Approval Template field rename
Tip: Because emails can be intercepted by 3rd parties, it may be possible that data presented for approval/rejection may by accessed an unintended 3rd party. Although the risk is small, it is advised that you limit the data presented in the template and/or set the system so that a user’s password is required before approving or rejecting a transaction.
When Approvers receive an Approval request they will receiver an email as below.
Fig 3 - Approval email request
When they click on the [Review] button it will take them to the Approval submission screen where they can review the information provided via the Approval template.
Fig 4 - Approval Submission screen
The Approver can [Approve] or [Reject] the request using the buttons on the submission form, if they wish to have more information they can press the [Full Review] button which will then take them to the appropriate record in the account.
This access may require the User to provide their Username and Password depending on your Approval settings.