Now your Rule has been created then you can specify what Actions are to take place when the Rule is triggered. In the Action tab press [New] to launch the Action pop up.
Select Type - this will display all the current actions available, select 'Add Notification' and the record will update to display fields based on the Type you have selected.
Fig 1 - Notification selection
Add a Note to your Notification Action. This text will be displayed in the body of the email. You can use the editor to format the text how you wish.
The Editor fields allow you to format your Notification text as required, you can also add tables/hyperlinks/bullet points to make the content exactly how you wish to see it.

Fig 2 - Notification Editor
Placeholders can be used to display related data to give the Notification more context.
For example, you can add the placeholder for [Contract] Title. This means that when the Notification is sent out, it will replace this placeholder value with the related Contracts actual Title. This allows the emails to be generic and to correctly populate relevant data based upon your records.
The values are displayed in alphabetical order, and there is a Search function that you can use. The values that are displayed in the list will be relevant to the type of Entity you are creating the Notification for.
Fig 3 - Notification Placeholders
Placeholder Prefix's
The Placeholder values are displayed with a prefix that identifies the feature they are associated to. For example, all Alert placeholders are prefixed with [Alert] Contract placeholders are prefixed with [Contract].
Placeholder Names v Program Names
The Placeholder drop down list will display the common field name but if selected, the program name will display in the Note field.
If you have changed the feature name of 'Reminders' to 'Alerts' for example, then in the Placeholder drop down list, you will see [Alert] but in the field you will see _REMINDER_
- [Alert] Name = _REMINDER_NAME_
The _RELATED_ identifier shows that this field is taken from a related record
Custom fields will be display the feature name (XXXX i.e. REMINDER) and have a unique number as its suffix.

Fig 4 - Placeholder programme names
The full placeholder values must be kept. If you alter a program placeholder name or delete a' _' character, then this will then be deemed as text and will display as such.
The Recipient field drop down will display all the Users in your account, you can select as many People as you wish to be notified. You can use the magnifying glass icon next to the drop down list to open up the Find screen, this will show all the Users with additional details such as email address.
Once the Recipients are selected press [Save] the Action will now be added to your Rule.
Notifications are sent to the email address of the Recipients selected, the content of the email by default will contain the Account name, the User name and the Action Note.
Fig 5 - Email Notification
If you wish to change the format of the email notification other than the Action Note then you will need to update the Notification template. Please refer to this article for more information about updating Notification Templates.
The template concerned is the Type 'Automation has been completed', as highlighted below.
Fig 6 - Template Types
Notification is also sent to the Notification area on the top right of the screen.
Fig 7 - Notification information
Multiple Actions
If you wish to trigger multiple Actions for your Rule, click the new button again and add a new Action. You can add as many different Actions as you wish.
When you create a new record or edit an existing one that is within the Criteria of a Rule, the Actions will be automatically created when the record is [Saved].