The PolicyStat plugin in intelligentcontract will allow you to link your PolicyStat account directly into your intelligentcontract account.  Once installed you will be able to access, attach and download any PolicyStat documents to records without having to leave your intelligentcontract account.

Activating the PolicyStat Plugin

Go To =>Configuration => Plugins => Manage Plugins => Policy Stat

Fig 1 - Plugin Area in Configuration

Click the [Install] button to open the PolicyStat Plugin

Fig 2 - PolicyStat Plugin

To Install you will need to enter the unique PolicyStat URL and API Key details.  

This will be provided to you by your PolicyStat sales or support representative, please contact them to request access and they will provide you with these details.

Fig 3 - PolicyStat Plugin installation

Enter the URL and API Key then click [Install]

Accessing Policy Stat documents

Once the PolicyStat plugin has been installed the 'Attachment' field in any record where an attachment can be created or uploaded will have a new 'From PolicyStat' option

Fig 4 - Attachment 'From PolicyStat' option

Select the option and then click the magnifying glass on the right, this will open up a pop up will appear listing all your PolicyStat account Locations in a drop down list.

Fig 5 - Selecting a PolicyStat Location

These locations will match the Locations displayed in your PolicyStat account

Fig 6 - PolicyStat Location areas

Select the correct 'Location' and click [OK], the screen will open listing all the documents within that Location.

Select your Document by clicking on the record, or select multiple documents using the checkbox's and then pressing [Select].

You can use the Search bar to help you find the Document required, the search includes the title of the policy and the Content within the Policy.

Fig 7 - Selecting documents

Choose if you wish to add the Document(s) to the intelligentcontract record as actual PDF(s) or as a PolicyStat link(s) and click [Import]

Fig 8 - Adding attachments as PDF or Links

The PDF's or Links will be added to the record. 

Fig 9 - Completing a Document record.

Complete the rest of the record and press [Save]. 

Attaching as a PDF will take a copy of the document and attach it to the record.

Note: This will be a copy of the Document taken at this time - there could be updated versions in the PolicyStat account. 

Fig 10 - PolicyStat PDF attachments

Attaching as a link will take you to the document via your PolicyStat account when clicked.

We recommend that you right click your mouse and open the link using a new tab, clicking directly will overwrite your intelligentcontract web session.

Fig 11 - PolicyStat Link attachments